Update 2 | December With Dad

Another adventure with Dad in the books!  Julie FW, beautiful both inside and out, reached out saying her husband is a Search and Rescue Swimmer with one of the Navy helicopter squadrons. 💪🏼 🚁  

They offered to bring us on to the base to see the huge hangars, the vast fleet of helicopter squadrons, and behind the scenes inside one of them. 😮

(I forgot my aviator sunglasses, darn! 😎)

I could not believe how big they are in person! The crew who flies in them are now heroes to me.  WOW!!  (And all those controls/switches to learn!)

One of the most unexpected blessings of these experiences with my Dad has been the people we’ve been meeting.

We both loved how Julie & Justin were warm, kind-hearted, and simply a JOY to talk with. Just all-around good people that you’re happy they live in this world.

We learned that we all share a love for personal development (I’m currently taking a course on boosting my memory skills).

After the overview, my dad spent time in the cock-pit with Justin, and I bonded with Julie in the main cabin.

She and I shared an incredibly meaningful conversation about our parents and how we’re each transitioning into adults with older parents. It was therapeutic and touching to have such a vulnerable conversation with someone who understands.  

I’ll leave out the details to respect her privacy, but something that really struck me about her is what an amazing daughter she is to her mom. And how who she is (someone who has a HUGE HEART and “gets done what needs to get done”) is an incredible benefit to the people she serves as a medical technician on the base. 

I believe that surrounding ourselves with people who have qualities we admire positively impacts how we approach our daily life, so this meaningful connection with strangers was a delightful surprise.

My dad and I drove away talking about how cool of an experience that was.  Mission accomplished! 🙌

Feeling blessed & grateful. ❤️